August Goals
Here we are almost a week and a half into another month! Woo. This year is just chugging along, isn’t it?! My Monthly Goals project is quickly becoming one of my favorite features I have done here. The amount of stuff that can be accomplished in a year, when broken down into small monthly goals, is pretty darn amazing. It is motivating.
This year I am breaking down my resolutions into (hopefully) attainable monthly goals. The first week of each month I am going to update you on how I did the previous month and what I hope to accomplish during the current month. My July Goals have been updated with what I was able to accomplish.
School has started again in The Kitchenarium house and we are settling back in to that routine. I hope to get a school lunch ideas post up next month. Even though I have been packing school lunches for six years, some mornings, I still need inspiration. Along with school starting comes all the after school activities / PTA-PTO meetings / busy week night schedules which means, at least for me, the temptation to cruise through the drive-thru or grab take-out increases. This month I am saying NO to fast food and will get my act together to put together an easy meal plan.
Not only do I reflect each month on my monthly goals but I also take a scroll back through my Instagram account to see what I captured. I am always snap, snap, snapping photos on my phone and it is so much fun to look back through and be reminded of the last month. Some months I overshare and other months I hardly post at all -this was one of those months.
To sum up July’s feed:
- I shared two projects that I teamed up with Baker’s Grocery store on last month
- Breakfast Salad was probably one of my favorite breakfasts of the month
- Doing a little gluten free recipe testing (Spicy Turkey Meatball Casserole!)
- ALWAYS have flowers.
- My daughters wanted to cook dinner and they looked up a recipe from here on their kindles… they ROCKED it! They even subbed the asparagus for fresh green beans. I am so proud!
- Mixed up a Chinese-esque ground beef dinner which we are calling Asian Spaghetti, I shared the recipe on Instagram
- Also not a month goes by that I don’t share a margarita -I swear 😉
August Goals:
- continue drinking half my body weight in water (if only it were as easy as drinking it in margaritas) I kid…. I’m getting better
- read 3 books (I’m on Goodreads) I read 2.5 books
- keep chugging away on admin stuff (BORING!) this totally got set on the back burner
- get my Newsletter project in order this totally got set on the back burner
- develop a sharable meal plan this totally got set on the back burner
- get back in to running slowly getting back
- host a dinner party YES! Had a great dinner party for 13
- host a brunch Did not get a brunch in this month
- go on a date with my hubs We did go on two dates(ish) they were both events but that counts, right?!
Last month I was able to read two books. Both were books I hadn’t heard of and pulled randomly from the NEW section at the library. A Thousand Falling Crows and The Devil You Know. I was pleasantly surprised with both.
Let me know your goals in the comments or shout it out to me on social media. Sign up for my email newsletter to stay up to date on all things The Kitchenarium. I hope your summer is going well friends! 🌞