April Goals
This year I am breaking down my resolutions into (hopefully) attainable monthly goals. The first of each month I am going to update you on how I did the previous month and what I hope to accomplish during the current month. My March goals have been updated with what I actually did.
Holy cow am I ever late to the goal game. Luckily for me the month isn’t half over… yet. March was a great month. The kiddos had spring break which was so nice to have them home for a week. I was incredibly busy last month planning a big event at the school so I didn’t do much creating in the kitchen as I had hoped.
The beginning of March I joined a gym -even saying that it seems weird. It is a crossfit-ish type class and much to my surprise I actually love it. It challenges me and I am finding out I am so much stronger than I thought. It is at 5:30 in the morning and boy is it ever difficult to get out of bed when my alarm sounds at 5:05! But as I wobble-walk to the car at 6:15 I feel so great and am so glad I hauled my bum out of bed. If you’re in Omaha and you’re looking for a great place to workout with an incredibly supportive group of women let me know. We can get strong together!
I love Instagram and I think it is so fun to look back through and see what my month was like. It looks like I consumed a lot of wine during March -which I totally did. 🍷 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some recipes featured in my feed:
- Homemade Sushi
- Cauliflower Fried Rice
- Cast Iron Roasted Chicken -I make these all the time
- Homemade Ramen using Chez Us recipe as a guideline. We will be making this again. SO GOOD!
April seems like it is going to be full of busy work. I went to a conference at the beginning of the month. Which was FANTASTIC! I have plans this month to continuing to minimize my possessions and lots (and lots) of yard work.
April Goals
- get garden beds ready mostly
- clean out garage took a GIGANTIC load to Goodwill
- drop donations off at Goodwill see above
- read 3 books (I’m on Goodreads) exceeded that!
- reserve take out food for 1x a week did VERY good about this
- date night with my husband did a double date night with friends
- run 20 miles ummmm not quite
Let me know your goals in the comments or shout it out to me on the social media. Sign up for my email newsletter to stay up to date on all things The Kitchenarium. Happy April friends! ☔️