March Goals!
This year I am breaking down my resolutions into (hopefully) attainable monthly goals. The first of each month I am going to update you on how I did the previous month and what I hope to accomplish during the current month. My February goals have been updated with what I actually did.
Wow what a month February was! Even though it was the shortest month of the year I seemed to pack a whole lot of activities into those 29 days. I didn’t accomplish everything last month and that’s ok. I still feel pretty good about what I was able to get done. This was a true circle of life month. I said goodbye to my great uncle Julian the same day I met my new nephew Kael. Life is weird like that some times.
It is fun to look back through Instagram and see what my month was like. To sum February up I would say I got to experience both the cold (in Nebraska) and the hot (in Florida). It was a great month! My husband and I got all glammed up and attended the JDRF Gala here in Omaha. What a fun night and amazing event (more on that later).
Some recipes feature in my Instagram this month:
- My favorite chocolate chip cookies (working on gluten free version!)
- Popcorn
- Dijon and Grape Chicken Salad
I already know March is going to be a busy month. My oldest turns 10 (what?!) and we are planning on doing a big room swap (the office and the boys’ bedroom are switching rooms). I am also helping to organize a Multicultural Family Night at the school at the end of the month which will take up a lot of time and energy. Plus I will be doing some more freelance recipe work so that will be fun.
Here are my March goals in no specific order:
- log 40 miles worth of running didn’t get a lot of running in since I started a workout class
- read 3 books (Girl on the Train, In Cold Blood, and Dark Places)
- finally get that darn basement storage closet cleaned out not yet! I know, I know, I know
- host 2 dinner parties yes
- hit up a local fish fry before lent is over Yes! (was not impressed)
- be better about menu planning sort of
- take more photos of my children nope
- find a church nope
- drink more water Yes!
Shout out your goals in the comments or shout it out to me on the social media. Sign up for my email newsletter to stay up to date on all things The Kitchenarium. Happy March friends 🍀
Love the monthly goals! Easier to track and easier to reach!
Here’s a great resource for helping to find a church: http://www.churchzip.com
Thanks Justin!
Love the two dinner parties idea as a goal! Making connection intentional. 🙂