May Goals
This year I am breaking down my resolutions into (hopefully) attainable monthly goals. The first of each month I am going to update you on how I did the previous month and what I hope to accomplish during the current month. My April Goals have been updated with what I was able to accomplish.
BAAAAAH each month it is the same thing “I can’t believe *insert month here* is over, where did the time go, blah blah blah. Is that how you feel too? We are now five months in to 2016 and through my monthly goals posts I am realizing that I can accomplish a lot of stuff in a mere 30-1 days. I encourage you to write monthly goals -they just seem more attackable.
Scrolling through the last month worth of Instagram posts made me smile. I got to go to the theater twice, we had our first outdoor dinner, a delicious cookout with friends, and fun in the kitchen with Sasha.
Summing up my feed:
The Flavor Bible -I LOVE this book. It really helps me get creative (Amazon link)
Getting to see The Phantom of the Opera a total bucket list moment
Letting Felix play in the water and mud
Taking the three oldest to see Elephant and Piggie at The Rose Theater
Last month’s recipes:
Browned Butter Shrimp Primavera
Greek Salad with Chicken Kebabs
May is going to be a busy month winding down PTA responsibilities, ballet recital for Penelope, end of the school year busyness, and Felix’s second birthday. I am continuing to do my gym thing. I am surprised by how much I am LOVING it. Our coach Andy is fantastic and the group of women in my class are so welcoming, encouraging, and a huge inspiration to me.
May Goals:
- Drink half my body weight in water every day (started out good at the begining but the busier I got the less water I seemed to drink)
- Plant my garden (got it done! Twice! We had hail that destroyed the first pepper and tomato plants)
- Clean out the garage (also accomplished!)
- Reduce toy room clutter (wanted to do this while the kiddos were in school but didn’t mangage to get it done)
- Go through closet / donate what doesn’t fit (YES!)
- Date night with my husband (May was so busy I can’t remember if we did or not)
- Do 50 sit-ups of some sort each day (again I started out strong but slacked as I got busier)
- Win the free trip to Vegas my gym gives away each month 💪🏼 (holy cow you guys I DID it! I busted butt and it paid off)
- Read 3 books (I am on Goodreads!) (I finshed 4 books which I why the toy room is still a mess)
Last month I read Dark Places, Sharp Objects, Room, The Pact: A Love Story, and Practical Paleo
One of the biggest things I am going to focus on this month is not to sweat the small stuff and to focus on this quote from Pastor Rick Warren “No one can control your emotions without your permission. Who are you allowing to ruin your day?” I have allowed too many people to ruin my day and NO MORE.
If I could sum up my hopes for May in a hashtag it would be #GoalCrusher 😉
Let me know your goals in the comments or shout it out to me on social media. Sign up for my email newsletter to stay up to date on all things The Kitchenarium. Happy Sunny May friends! 🌞
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