Roasted Tomato Sauce
When we were kids, my parents always had a bountiful garden. In that garden they grew the fullest, tallest, bushiest tomato plants I have ever seen. These tomato plants were six feet tall at least, that may be a slight exaggeration but as a kid they seemed to tower over me. Even if my parents only planted a few plants we would always have tomatoes coming out our ears.
Me, my sister and my brother first day of school. Circa 1996. Obviously my brother and I were making silly faces.
Last summer was no different. In the past my mom would can the surplus tomatoes and over the winter she would use them for chili, goulash, and Spanish rice. For the first time she made her own tomato sauce at the end of the growing season last fall. She used an Alton Brown recipe. It was delicious. Unfortunately I did not get to take any home with me. This winter my parents purchased some land behind their house, and I was notified that it is ALL going to be turned into a garden this Spring. YEAH!!! I am glad that I only live two hours away, because I will do what it takes to take home some fresh produce grown on my old stomping ground. (I hope to document this garden as it grows. Dad said it is going to be big.)
Homemade tomato sauce is something I have never attempted before, and it is about time I gave it a try. Although in March the only “fresh” tomatoes I can find in Nebraska are the ones they sell at the grocery store.
I had some Roma tomatoes sitting on the counter (I was planning to turn into more pico de gallo, but never got to it) and they were approaching over ripe really quickly. A red sauce for spaghetti was the perfect option to use all of them up in one shot.
Hey, this looks suspiciously like my sauce! Except I used regular tomatoes not Romas. Hoping to have Romas this year though. And basil, and maybe onions & peppers (and lions & tighers & bears, oh my)!
oops tigers not tighers.
Best of luck with that garden!!! Do you have raised beds? I highly recommend them if you dont! Less work- better production.
I am sure you did not exaggerate on the tomato plants being 6 ft tall as they do get very tall around here! Black earth, water, and sunshine does miraculous things!!
Now on to the tomato sauce….oh my that sounds soo good. I was given a recipe from a lady that was big in 4-H for years. She gave me her jars and a recipe for the best tasting tomato sauce ever. Have the jars but lost the recipe in the moves since. I will definitely try this one. Glad to hear it works with regular tomotaoes too.
Have not had the time yet to try the cinnamon rolls. Someday soon….
This looks DELICIOUS!!! I hope to give it a try next weekend. Roasted tomatoes ROCK!!! By the way, I found your blog thru Black Sheep Farms website…you might wanna check out this new social networking site I created recently for “foodies” in and around Omaha, NE. Great place to meet people of like minds and to find new recipes!!!!!!! http://www.RealFoods.ning.com
Take care,
This sauce looks delicious. Roasted tomatoes ROCK!! I hope to try it out this weekend!! Hey, you might be interested in this social networking site I recently created…it’s for “foodies” in and around the Omaha, NE area to network w/ each other, exchange recipes, etc. Each member can also create their own page, so you could “advertise” your blog on your page if you’d like to participate.
Check it out if you’re interested!!!