Baked Chili Cheese Dogs
Are you busy? Like busy busy? Running around like a chicken with your head cut off, so much to do not enough time to do it, to-do list a mile long-busy? Yeah me too.
Hang on while I make a sweeping generalization here but we seem to be a society obsessed with being busy. We must out busy each other. And man it sucks. Why must we all be so busy all the time?
Well if you’re busy, or just tired from being so busy, it can be hard to focus on what to make for dinner. Temptations to zip through the drive-thru, order take-out, have pizza delivered are easy to fall in to. Trust me I’ve been there -done that.
I have about a 40 minute window when we are all home together before we need to dash off to swimming lessons. A quick and easy dinner was something I really needed.
I will be the first to admit this casserole isn’t a stunner. But it was quick, easy, and my family loved it. Sure you could just assemble your chili dogs and not bake them. It certainly would be faster. This baked version though makes them a little extra special. The buns get a little toasty and crisp around the edges and the cheese melts into the chili so nicely. Penelope even said “the toasty edges are my favorite.”
This would be a fantastic way to stretch leftover (Super Bowl) chili. I used a low sodium canned version and nitrate free hotdogs. I enjoyed my chili cheese dog along side a heaping salad. I needed to have some fresh veggies.
So if you find yourself too busy or in a hurry and need something for dinner this baked chili cheese dog casserole will be a hit with kiddos of all ages! Plus it only takes 20 minutes to bake! Get creative with the toppings. I stuck with pickle relish, diced onions, and mustard.
Wow, my husband would be all over these! And oh my goodness yes is this time of year busy!
It made for a fun throwback dinner. When I served them my daughter said “chili cheese dogs again?” And I was worried. But then she said “YES!! I love these!” 🙂
Me and my husband love to watch basketball, so this would be a great dinner to make on a game day!
Oh I could totally see this as game day food. Go Nets! 🙂