Sun Dried Tomato Chicken Salad
Hello! I know it has been awhile since I’ve popped in to say “hi.” Man has life been crazy busy lately. Ballet, soccer, swimming lessons, PTA, converting recipes for my new website (YAY!), and a quick room make over for my daughters has occupied all of my time.
But I have been busy cooking, because hey my family still needs to eat! As we head into Spring the schedules seems to be jammed packed with activities. You may not think you have time to cook anything but I am here today to help.
Pop by the store on your way home and pick up a rotisserie chicken or roast your own if you have the time and get ready for a quick chicken salad sandwich that is good any time of day.
Ever since I learned how to make my own mayo I’ve kind of been in to it. Like dreaming about new mayo combos constantly. PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN MAYO FOR THIS SANDWICH. I am sorry to yell at you but seriously the sun dried tomato mayo is so fab.
Blend up some oil packed sun dried tomatoes in about 1/2 cup -3/4 cup of the homemade mayo. Stir that into rotisserie chicken meat you picked clean, some diced celery, and fresh basil. TA-DA a super fab sandwich ready in 20 minutes or less.
I served mine on some croissants I picked up from the grocery store but little tea rolls would be great too.
Looks delicious!
Thanks Kath!
I’m glad you yelled. It’s important to make your own mayo. LOL. And it’s so stinkin’ easy, too!
And sooooo addictive!