Pineapple Carrot Cake Cupcakes
Pineapple carrot cake, sounds tasty doesn’t it? These cupcakes are a low calorie delight. My friend Jessie, from Little Calorie recommended these. These cupcakes are so flavorful and moist; you even get the cream cheese frosting. Best part is, you don’t have to feel guilty after eating one because they are almost half the calories of your traditional carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
I made these cupcakes yesterday with Sasha; she is really into helping me out.
The cupcakes are really dense, without being dry. I used only the pineapple, and left out the raisins and walnuts. The original recipe can be found here http://www.fitnessandfreebies.com/local/carrotcake.html I adapted it with the ingredients that I had on hand. The cake part was delicious, however the frosting was mediocre. I may have added too much pineapple juice to it, because it was a little runnier than I would expect frosting to be. I will most certainly make the cake recipe again, but figure out a new and better recipe for the frosting.