Lazy Pappardelle
Hello! I know it has been a week since you last heard from me. We spent last week getting ready for and then having a garage sale Friday and Saturday. Day One was about a billion degrees and Day Two it rained. Wouldn’t you know it?!
Sunday Kasper and I got up and headed to the farmers market. It was the first opportunity I’ve had to go all summer. I got lots of yummy produce. While we were there we popped into Jones Bros Cupcakes and picked up some Cro-nuts. Oh you don’t know what a Cro-nut is?! Don’t worry I hadn’t heard of them until Saturday when my neighbor asked me if I knew what they were. They are a croissant donut hybrid and they are out. of. this. world. I picked up one bourbon caramel and cinnamon sugar Cro-nut holes for the kiddos. Excitement overtook me and I didn’t snap a picture of the whole Cro-nut.
Cloudy farmers market morning in Aksarben
The cinnamon sugar Cro-nut hole
Farmers Market Loot: Basil Garlic Goat Cheese & Honey Lemon Verbena Goat Cheese, garlic scapes, strawberries, rhubarb, carrots, sour cherries, rainbow chard
We didn’t get to shop the neighborhood garage sales since we were busy manning our own sale. So we headed out west of town to Junkstock. Junkstock is a three day flea market like sale out on a farm. I love how my husband summed it up “Pinterest made sweet love to a dreadlocked hippie and naturally birthed Junkstock in a mud bath.” That pretty much sums it up. We had a great time wandering through all the stands. I spent a whole $2! I am marking my calendar for the next Junkstock so I can start rummaging on day one.
These are my four favorite people <3
I hope your weekend was a lovely one! On to my lazy pappardelle. Friday night I was absolutely beat from sitting out in the nine billion degree heat all day and cooking was about the last thing I wanted to do. So I threw together this lazy pappardelle. I predict it will be making many appearances at our dinner table. Sometimes quick, easy, and simple are just what is needed.
I love garage sales. Growing up in a small town we would go to them all the time, but here they don’t exist the same.
Cro-nuts are all the rage here. People wait in line and then sell them on Craigslist for 20x the price. It’s crazy!
Your pasta looks great!
One of the Jones Bros. lives in NY that is probably why we have such a trendy thing here in Nebraska