January 2017 Goals
Happy New Year, friends! I love when the new year starts it is filled with all the hope and feelings of a fresh start. Last year I started a monthly series posting and updating my goals for each month. Each month last year I treated as a fresh start, by doing this, I feel like I accomplished more goals in 2016 than I ever have before.
This year I am going to continue sharing my monthly goals with you. I hope you will share your goals with me either through the comment section, or by email, or through social media (I am @thekitchenarium everywhere). I want to be your accountabilibuddy! I’m not sure if I will keep the same format as I did last year. Honestly, I am just going to have to play with it and see what happens. 😉
I came across this image on Facebook last week and I really liked it. The perspective is powerful and it is something I am going to try to focus on in 2017. This year I am not going to allow others to be thieves of my joy -that happened way too much last year. Remember when Facebook asked you for some of your favorite quotes? These were the quotes I wrote down. How very fitting they are almost 8 years later. I will be reminding myself of these three quotes monthly this year.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“No one can control your emotions without your permission. Who are you allowing to ruin your day?” -Pastor Rick Warren
“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people” V for Vendetta
One of my goals in December was to just slow down and be with my family. This was just about the only goal I accomplished last month. I love having my kiddos home on winter break! We have been soaking up the family time. You can check out the rest of my updated December goals here.
In no particular order here are my January goals:
January 2017 Goals:
- improve my posture, I need to stop being so slouchy
- read 3 books (I am on Goodreads)
- develop a better work / life balance
- be more present with my children ie. put away the phone / computer when they are home
- cut back on sugar intake
- cut back on alcohol intake
- get into a good half marathon training groove
- go through toy room / basement storage and declutter it
- be more consistent with meal planning
- get better with SEO
- figure out editing in iMovie (I hope to have videos coming soon!)
- date night with my husband
- drink more water
You can check out my other goals from previous months here.