Greek Salad with Chicken Kebabs
Greek Salad with Chicken Kebabs are perfect mates for all your summer time dining needs. The chicken kebabs are marinated in similar seasonings as the Greek dressing tying it together with the giant Greek Salad. Lemon, garlic, oregano, crunchy cucumber, sweet grape tomatoes, salty kalamata olives and crumbled feta is an utter delight.
BIG SALADS are my favorite. (why isn’t there a salad emoji?!) I could eat them nightly from now until Fall. Eating a big salad makes me feel so very Elaine. Don’t make your friends buy you a big salad when you could make your own (and share with your friends) George if you would have just made Elaine the salad then you wouldn’t have had Julie trying to take credit for it.
sorry for that tangent I just think of that episode every. single. time. I eat a big salad. Plus who doesn’t like Seinfeld?!
When the snow melts and the temperatures rise I am looking to eat lighter and healthier meals. It is time to pack away those heavy casseroles -see you in October Dig out your largest bowl and fill it to the top with all the fresh vegetables you can get your hands on. Grill up some meat (and veggies) to add to the salad. Finally top the whole thing in a delicious homemade vinaigrette. Serve with a crisp chilled wine and this, my dears, is summer heaven. While the formula is the same the recipe changes slightly depending on my mood / theme.
This salad is chock full of all the popular buzzwords / hashtags #glutenfree (YEP!) #jerf (UH HUH!) leave off the feta cheese and you will have yourself a #dairyfree #whole30 #paleo friendly meal (YEAH BABY!). I made the dressing myself and know there is no sugar added. Friends I promise you if you come over for a cookout this summer chances are I will serve you this salad. It is my new fave. You bring the wine I will serve the salad!
Tell me: What is your current favorite meal?
Love Seinfeld! And that salad is gorgeous! Love the Lemon Vinaigrette too! I hate heavy dressings, it ruins the “Big Salad!”
High five fellow Seinfeld lover -vinaigrettes are the way to go for salads.
Giant salads are one of my most favorite things! Loaded up with all sorts of yummy ingredients of course. And I love your recipe card, what do you use to be able to check things off?? So cool.
Thanks Sophia! It is a plug-in that my husband developed for me.
Yup it seems like we agree! Salads and grilling is a nice combo! I appear to be rather alone in bbq world who loves a good salad bowl viewing my latest post’s poor number of views haha! Salad seem to be ignored
Yet I believe they are delicious and you deliver the proof 
Thank you Simon. I am off to check out your salad.
Haha thank you for being nr. 14 (I guess :p) The only predictable on my recipes : no meat , no views! But I won’t stop trying these Salads rock
like the g reeks style too Btw 
What a refreshing Spring salad plate!! Love it!
Thank you Mahy!
Big Salads are the ONLY way I roll!!