Happy Thursday! Loosen up your belt ladies and gents, boy do I have a naughty treat for you today; I sure hope you have a sweet tooth. When I graduated high school I received a four ingredient cookbook. Like with all cookbooks, I sat down and flipped through it, dog-earing the recipes that sounded great. The four ingredients the recipe called for premade chocolate chip cookie dough in the tube, chocolate chips, caramels, and cream. There wasn’t an ingredient in that list that I didn’t like. For some reason I never made them. If I had made them I am certain that I would remember; you don’t forget about a dessert like this.
Fast forward to the present year and you will see me stumbling upon various caramlitas recipes on the web. So almost 12 years (geesh has it really been 12 years since I graduated?!) after first discovering that recipe I finally gave it a go. OH! BOY! I highly doubt another 12 years will escape me before I make these again.
I skipped the premade tube of cookie dough and went with an oat and flour mixture. Topped with chocolate chips, homemade caramel sauce, and more oat mixture. The results were out of this world. I am trying to whittle my middle a bit and knew that having an entire pan of these bars around would prove dangerous. It would be incredibly difficult to resist the siren song of chocolate and caramel. I had Alex bring some over to the neighbors’ house that night. I needed to get rid of as many bars and I could!
*Carmelita is Spanish for demon seductress. It will be difficult to stop at first bite, trust me. Make these bars for your family, your friends, your lover. Everyone will love them and be glad you shared!
*Carmelita isn’t actually Spanish for demon seductress. But it should be!
I hope you make these, share these, and love these!
For Christmas Alex got me a tripod and a camera remote. Of course, they look like fun toys for my five year old. So I let her press the button while I was making these bars. After reviewing the photos I saw that they easily tell the story of how to assemble these bars. Take a look
Animated gifs are so fun, aren’t they? Check out these ooey, gooey, caramelly bars! I will be testing gluten free flours soon so my celiac friends can indulge too. Nobody should be denied these ridiculous bars.
The most time-consuming part is unwrapping all those caramels. Be VERY careful when melting the caramel because once melted the caramel becomes like lava and will severely burn you if it bubbles up on your skin. If working it children in the kitchen the stirring of the caramel should be left to an adult or under close supervision.
Pop them in the fridge to help set the molten lava that is the caramel sauce. Once cooled cut into bite size bars. Enjoy! xo
Do you have a favorite indulgent dessert?
These look awesome! I am defiantly trying them!!!