Chocolate Cherry Scones
Mornings at our house are kind of crazy. I am sure this is not unique to just my family. Trying to get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door on time is a Herculean feat some days. Having on the go breakfasts foods prepared help save the day. Penelope, my 5 year old, mixed these up herself, she especially loved rubbing the butter into the flour to make it “sand-like”. She is my little scone lover. She asks for one every time we drive past a coffee shop. I didn’t know what a scone was until I was in my twenties.
In these scones I used mini chocolate chips and dried sweet cherries. If you haven’t tried the dried cherries I recommend picking some up next time you spy them. The cherry flavor is concentrated and I think they blow dried cranberries out of the water. Actually, I was afraid I wasn’t going to have enough for this recipe since my family kept snitching them.
The mini chocolate chips provided just the right amount of chocolate with out being overly sweet or overpowering. Who doesn’t love a little chocolate with breakfast? They mix up quickly and only take about 15-18 minutes to bake. If you don’t have a ton of extra time on your hands in the morning to mix and bake, you could mix them up the night before and pop them in the refrigerator until morning. That way all you have to do is bake them –they will take slightly longer to bake coming straight out of the fridge (23-25 minutes). Using this method the scones would bake while you are getting ready and by the time you are ready to walk out the door you can grab a fresh hot scone.
This looks delicious, I have some dried blueberries that I might try too! Thanks for sharing.
Dried blueberries are on our list. My daughter loves them and she seems to think they would be good in a scone too.