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A website about recipes and family, by Jamie Gates.

Penelope’s Blueberry Muffins

Since my girls could walk they have been helping me around the house. It all started when Sasha was about a year old and walking around the kitchen. Whenever I would unload the dishwasher she was right there pulling out her plates and cups. I cleaned out a drawer at her level and moved all her plates, cups, bowls into that drawer. It took awhile but eventually she would take her stuff out of the dishwasher and put it into her drawer. Once Penelope started walking she copied Sasha. Kasper is now walking around and taking things out of the dishwasher himself. He handed me forks and spoons the other day one by one laughing the entire time. Sure it takes to unload the dishwasher when little hands are helping, but it is also a time where they are learning so much about the day-to-day life in our home.

Once the girls were old enough to stand on a chair by the counter they wanted to help me mix up whatever I was cooking. I know I’m not revolutionary by having my littles help in the kitchen. Both Waldorf and Montessori forms of education have children learning practical skills like this. Even though Sasha is six I still haven’t had her cook anything on the stove or oven. We have a mini oven and I have burned my hands too many times to count on that thing. Eventually they will learn how to cook on the stove and oven, but for right now I am content with them just warming things up in the microwave. 🙂

Today Penelope begged me to make blueberry muffins. Blueberries are her absolute favorite. The last three pints we bought were supposed to be muffins or scones but she ate them before we had a chance to bake them. This morning she opened up the crisper drawer and saw a fresh pint of blueberries in there and begged for muffins. I couldn’t refuse. Penelope measured and mixed these bad boys all by herself. All I did was put them in and take them out of the oven. Of course she declared these to be THE BEST MUFFINS EVER! It is only natural to think whatever you have made is the best.

Doesn’t she look so happy? Grab your kiddo and get in the kitchen and start cooking! Remember messes and mistakes are all part of the learning process.

Do your kiddos help in the kitchen? What are your favorite kid friendly recipes? 

blueberry muffins, healthy muffin, kids cooking, no oil muffin, to-go breakfast


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