Egg Bake
My egg bake was a success this morning! I thought it was so good that I ate it again for lupper (my late lunch). Enjoy this recipe and don’t be afraid to make it your own, by adding your preferred mix-ins (potatoes, veggies, different meats).
When I was preparing my egg bake last night, I used a loaf of crusty French bread that was several days old. When I bought it at the store, it was already a day old, and I think I purchased it last week. It was so hard and crusty that I thought I would need to use a chain saw to cube it up. I managed to get it cubed using a really sharp knife and some muscle power. The bread was so dried out that it absorbed the eggy goodness perfectly. So, if you don’t have any old bread on hand, you could cube up some fresh bread and leave it out on the counter overnight to dry out. Or if you have some leftover croutons, I am sure that would work as well. Plus the croutons would add some extra flavor to the dish.