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Sausage and Spinach Lasagna Rolls with a Pesto Tomato Sauce
WOW that title is a mouthful, at least it is a tasty one! My husband...
Where’s the Chicken? Noodle Soup
I love the fall and winter, cooler temperatures mean I can heat up my house...
Tortellini Soup
Hungry? Need a quick meal? This is the recipe for you! I got all my...
Pizza Dough from Bread Baker’s Apprentice
It is the end of the month and that means it is The Daring Bakers...
Yeast Rolls
I have been loving my local library lately; I think I have been there...
Pumped Up Mac & Cheese
Whenever I am in the kitchen, Sasha always asks me if I am cooking mac...
The Best Blueberry Muffins
I picked up a pint of blueberry muffins at the Farmer's Market last week; last...
Asparagus wrapped in Prosciutto + BLTs
I love summer in Iowa because we have Farmer's Markets that are full of fresh...
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
STOP! Please don't turn away, just not yet. If you've had a bad brussel sprouts...
Danish Braid
Sorry for the extremely late post. June seemed to wizz by so quickly, it was...
Idiot Margaritas
I don't know if they are called Idiot Margaritas because they are so easy to...
Nostalgic for Mexican Food
Authentic Mexican food, maybe. Well as authentic as a white girl from Iowa can make....
Raspberry Lemon Opera Cake
This month's Daring Bakers Challenge is Opera Cake. May's challenge is hosted by Daring Bakers...
Roasted Garlic Vampires Beware!
Roasted garlic. So easy. So simple. So delicious! The first time I enjoyed roasted garlic...
Meatloaf…with an Asian twist
This may not be the most beautiful meatloaf you've ever seen (hence no photos), but...