December Goals
Holy moly here we are, the last month of 2016! What a bonkers year it has been not only in my home but in the world. I am going to finish this year strong but I can’t lie when I say I am looking forward to being done with 2016.
In January when I decided to do shorter monthly goals I had no idea I would be as successful as I have been. Each month this year I have been setting goals and documenting their successes (or failures). It feels like I have accomplished so much more this year by doing small stuff instead of through the big lofty goals I used to make in the past. Will I be repeating this in 2017? Absolutely! I hope you will join me we can be accountabilibuddies. I want to encourage you to success as much as I need you to help me get there. 😉
Each month I update my goal list and in that way keep both of us encouraged. Follow me on social media (I am thekitchenarium everywhere online) to check in with me and to also share your resolutions/goals/mantras with me. November’s Goals have been updated with what I was able to accomplish if you want to hop back and check them out.
Not only do I reflect each month on my monthly goals but I also take a scroll back through my Instagram account to see what I captured. It is always so much fun putting together my insta-collage and see what was happened during the month.
To sum up November’s feed:
- My friend Lesley owns inclosed Letterpress Co and makes the most beautiful things (check her out!)
- I enjoyed lots of clean eats last month too
- Some recipes I shared include Cornbread Sausage and Cheddar Waffles, Better For You Zuppa Toscana, and Grilled Whole Turkey
December Goals:
- Read 3 books (I am on Goodreads, follow me!) not much reading happened this month
- Develop Newsletter content and get ready to roll that out in the New Year started sketching out ideas
- Start half marathon training YES!
- Not miss a gym class Missed one
- Be consisted with meal planning not 100% with this
- R&R it’s been a crazy year and I just want to enjoy this month, at a slower speed, with my family YES!
Last month I read four cookbooks and started reading Harry Potter with the kiddos and the next in The Dark Tower Series: Wizard and Glass. I wasn’t able to finish them so I am hoping to find the time this month.
Let me know what your goals are this month! Hope you have a happy and safe December, friends. <3
Check out rest of my monthly goals posts HERE.