Chicken Chimichangas
If I have said it once I have said it at least a hundred times, I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD (including Southwestern and Tex-Mex cuisines). Chicken chimichangas are something I have enjoyed at my favorite restaurants, for some reason it never crossed my mind to make these at home. Recently an old friend from college who is from Jordan (as in the country) asked me for a recipe. I knew I had to make these deep-fried gems. Thank you for asking for a recipe, I don’t think I would have ever thought to make these at home.
Have you ever had a chimichanga before? These deep-fried burritos are pronounced CHIMI (rhymes with Jimmy) CHAN (rhymes with JOHN) GA (GAH). Please remember this pronunciation if you ever order one at a restaurant. My husband and I were eating at a restaurant in Columbia, MO when a lady across from us ordered a chimichanga, she managed to pronounce it completely wrong several times during her ordering process while enunciating every syllable (she said CHIMI-CHAN (rhyming with Jane)-GA). I am sure her Hispanic waiter thought she was some dumb gringa. It made me laugh, and it is something I always think of when I see it on the menu.
At restaurants, you can find chimichangas filled with shredded chicken, shredded or ground beef, shredded pork, or beans. At home, you can fill them with any kind of meat, beans or rice that you are craving. I filled mine with shredded chicken when I made them for dinner, however, the next day I stuffed my tortilla with leftover chicken, black beans and yellow rice –it was better than the original. This recipe is just a guideline, let your creativity inspire you. Check back for my dessert chimichanga.
Here are some of my other Mexican recipes:
Beer & Lime Chicken Fajitas
Delicious ground beef recipe for tacos
Idiot Margaritas
What others are cooking up that you might like:
Beef fajitas on the grill from Chaos in the Kitchen
Burrito Casserole from Something’s Burning…
Yum-Yum Taco Bake from Little Calorie
I recently had these in a mexican eaterie called Chiquitos. They were awesome. I am making them for my family this week, but with garlic and herb flour tortillas.
I might even try making a dessert Changa myself with maybe an apple puree with rasberrys and strawberrys with whipped cream on the top.
Thanks for a great links. was a great inspiration for my mexican night ! friends loved the food, very popular, passed on your site details